

4 Jan

The Journey to Eloquence

06:30 PM - 03:00 PM
Online via Zoom

Are you tired of shying away when it comes to addressing an audience and giving presentations?

Would you like to speak confidently and eloquently and command attention whenever you speak?

This programme is designed just for you. In 8 weeks, you will be trained to become a confident and eloquent speaker, accelerate your career to the next level, and carry yourself with elegance.

You'll get all the support you need. We are eager to help you achieve eloquence. Join us today!

4 Jan

Th Enterprising Elocutionist

06:30 PM - 06:30 PM
Online Via Zoom

In this programme, I will reveal to you the secret business strategy I apply to successfully run and manage my elocution business - starting as a struggling hardworking diction teacher with very little income to mentoring over 2000 career professionals and Distinct Kids - making multiple 7 figures annually.

Still wondering where to start?