Do you feel DISTURBED when words like “umm” & “Ahh” suddenly fly out of your mouth while speaking? 

This Practical TedX Secret Will Totally Change How People Perceive You, Greatly Improve Your Communication Skills And Transform Your Business Or Career In 7 Days Or Less…

Even if you stutter badly…

Even if it has become a deep habit that you can’t get rid of

And even if you are an introvert, and you say “umm” & “Ahh” in between your sentences when you are nervous.

  • Even if you stutter badly…
  • Even if it has become a deep habit that you can't get rid of…
  • And even if you are an introvert, and you say “umm” & “Ahh” in between your sentences when you are nervous.

This “100% Free Mini-course” is guaranteed to get rid of the disturbing filler words forever

As it will expose…

  • The big brain trick behind why you use excessive filler words. And how to reframe your mind to pass messages convincingly.
  • My “3 introspection method” to eliminate "ums ", "like "," you know”... And other filler words in 7 days.
  • How to structure your speech/presentation so you are never caught on stage thinking about what to say next.

If you know your topic well and still spill filler words – It might be because your presentations lack structure! But after using this secret, you will always deliver your speech like a TedX speaker.

And many more

So if you are a career professional/expert…

Or a business owner/entrepreneur…

This mini-course is yours with no investment at all

Simply fill in your details and click on the red button below, so that it would be delivered to your inbox in seconds.

Dear business/career professional,

How constantly do you say “ummmmm”, “like…”, “you know…” and other filler words?

Are almost all your sentences littered with them?

If yes, know that…

Your use of the “UMs” and “AHs” is not a merely annoying speech habit.   


Your excessive use of filler Words (“you know’, “like”, etc.) is a severe Speech Error

That hinders effective communication and eloquence speaking so much that…

It can rob you of authority, hijack your workplace respect

…and ruin the brand credibility you’ve worked so hard to earn…

And in the long run, many opportunities that could change your life.

And yes. I know this is a bold statement and I must back it up with undeniable proof.

So If you are unsure whether it’s worth the effort to get rid of your filler words…

I’m not surprised. 

I’ve taught many professionals who also believe “Yes, it may be a little annoying – but it cannot be that bad. Lol.”

Not until they read this presentation… then they would take serious action to get rid of their old habit immediately. 

And as you read on…

You will also discover (with social & scientific proof) how your frequent spill of ‘umm’, ‘you know’, ‘basically’, and other filler words…

Could be currently hurting your career/brand and people’s trust in you.

Plus, I’ll show you the painful real-life story of “filler trauma”

How the daughter of a great American president ruined her promising career…

Because of a ‘casual’  2:17 minute interview she made with a local TV, that screamed – filler words!

And as you read on…

You will also discover how reducing your ‘favorite’ filler words can greatly improve your communication skills, and transform your business or career for the better.

But right now, I want you to picture this…

Imagine a hardworking entrepreneur who made a groundbreaking product that could break the market.

And all he needs is ‘ just a lot of money’ – to scale his young brand from a few thousand dollars per year to millions.

Now, he’s in front of 6 shark investors to make his ‘one in a lifetime’ presentation to impress them. 

And all he asks is an investment of $250,000 in exchange for a 5% equity in his business.

And all he wants to hear is – “We’ve got a deal!” 

Only for him to litter his entire pitch with (um, ah, you know) and other annoying filler words.

Do you think any tough (quick to say - NO!) investor will risk their wealth on a filler-infested presentation?

Not at all.

And I said so because in reality…

People will judge you (your offer and proposals) by your speech or presentation rather than your great credentials in an interview…

Or your incredible offer in a high-ticket sales pitch.

Back to our bright entrepreneur…

I believe you’ll also agree that –

Most “always careful” shark investors (including business executives in the corporate world)...

Would find it extremely difficult to trust you with their wealth 100% when your presentation has uncountable flaws, like filler words…

That litters a good speech like invasive cancer, and drains eloquence out of your interesting speech.

And there are scientific proofs to back this too.

One is from Nicholas Christenfeld, a former professor of Psychology at the University of California.

who did a survey where he asked a group of students what they thought of people who used excessive filler words.

He discovered that speakers who use too many filler words were considered…

“uncomfortable, inarticulate, uninteresting, ill-prepared, nervous, disfluent, … unsophisticated and lacking confidence.”

Even if you are the best in your field with years of experience, and have worked to improve your vocabulary and speaking voice…

Your uncontrollable use of filler words alone will make prominent personalities think less of you. 

And there’s a real-life situation that happened like that – which I’ll show you soon…

The same is true when you master your diction, public speaking, body language…

But spill the “um”, “ah”, and “you know”… a thousand times in your speech without control.

Even if this is your only speech flaw…

There’s no way around it.

If you aim to persuade people (especially professionals)…

To embrace your ideas and accept your offers and proposals…

Especially in a high-stake situation where you must meticulously craft a compelling professional image to succeed.

The last thing you want to do is come off like you are uncomfortable.

Or sound inarticulate, uninteresting…

Or appear ill-prepared, nervous, disfluent, and unsophisticated.

Or would your customers or clients to believe that you lack confidence in your proposal or offer?

Of course not.

Whether it’s team meetings, podcasts, webinars, virtual presentations…

Speaking to an online audience, making a presentation to your colleagues, pitching a new project to your boss, or speaking in a webinar.

No one wants that.

That’s why as a business owner or career professional…

You must get rid of filler words… Before it will ruin your life-changing speech

And yes…

It has happened many times in the past.

But I’ll share the most horrifying case today.

This is the story of Caroline Kennedy…

The biological daughter of John F. Kennedy, who wanted to run for a New York Senate seat in 2008.

On December 27, 2008…

She was interviewed by a local television – New York cable station concerning her political career.

And in that interview, she uttered nearly 60 filler words in less than two and a half minutes of the speech.

And yes, people counted it. 

And it is confirmed that she spilled ‘ya know’ 21 times in only 2:32 minutes.

And It was so habitual of her that…

In another interview with the New York Times, she used the same phrase 142 times!

It was so bad that one political commentator had the guts and advised her to seek elocution lessons, live on TV.

During this time…

She experienced so much thrashing in the media that even…

The New York Daily News had the headline ‘Say Goodnight, Caroline’

While the New York Times said

 She ‘seemed less like a candidate than an idea of one.’

This headline is from news BBC – UK. And that’s Carolina Kennedy.

They even proceeded to mock her even more, under the headline…

“Caroline Kennedy no whiz with words”

 The New York Daily News mimicked her speech pattern during the round of interviews.

Their paper said: “Caroline Kennedy, “you know”, might need, “you know”, a speech coach, “um”, if she, “you know”, wants, “um”, to be a senator,”


The dragging was so bad – it ruined her public image and credibility… She never recovered after that. 

She eventually dropped out of the race after two months… citing “personal reasons.”

But before you blame the press for killing her big dream…

That could be the start of her career to becoming the first female US president.

First, listen to one of her public interviews and rate her speech delivery on a scale of 1-10. 

(Ten being an excellent presentation while Zero is awful)

Have you done that?

Now let me know your thoughts. How well do you rate Ms. Caroline?

Did you say 9?…




If we would be sincere…

She spoke just like an average American, but she was maybe a little bit of more “fillerish.”

But it isn’t that bad per se.

Until you realise that she is aspiring to become a senator.

And if she succeeded, her core duty as a US senator – would be to speak  on behalf of 19.4 million New Yorkers.

And that’s where her excessive use of filler words becomes a problem.

Look, I’m political neutral but if you are here and you aspire to take on leadership positions…

Your filler words can become a stumbling block for you on your way up.

And if you are already a top executive or the face of your brand (as a personal brand).

This is exactly what your excessive use of filler words will bring to your reputation and public image.

For every filler word you spill…

People might subconsciously doubt your competence and disqualify you for leading positions.

Even employers will conveniently assume that you have poor communication skills.

And they will unfairly conclude that “you went through school but school never went through you.”

This happens almost all the time.

Or do you think being the best in your field with years of experience, and having a great  vocabulary and speaking voice would save you?

Just like in the case of Caroline Kennedy who, despite her intelligence and having her father (the president) by her side…

People might mock you and downgrade you for speaking in an unprofessional manner.

Especially when you are representing yourself and your company on a big stage.

Because if we are sincere…

The constant disturbance of filler words gives a Gen Z vibe.

 These days, “like” & “you know” are common among the Gen Zs and younger generations.

And it’s getting worse by the day; even educators and parents fear it would make their children sound uneducated.

Imagine using it as a professional…

You might not know…

Even your coworkers might be secretly counting your ‘ums’ and ‘ahs’ behind your back… talking bad about your communication skills.

While you think it’s just how you talk. And it isn’t that much of a big deal.

And that’s exactly what filler words will rob you of. 

The excessive “Ums” and “Ahs” will puncture your message…

And make you look like an amateur with limited vocabulary to express yourself properly.

And every time you speak, you deny yourself the special opportunity to influence your audience positively.

I’ve met people who can’t complete a sentence without saying “like”…

And those who spilled it almost every 5 seconds.

(Although some rarely use them, others overuse them like addicts)

So you may ask me… 

‘But how do I know how much is too much – before it becomes annoying and damaging? 

Here’s my answer to you…

I know almost everyone uses Filler Words. 

And I’ve heard some “internet elocutionists” say that…

a little bit of “Ummmmm” and “uhhhhhhs” littered here and there in your speech is good.

Because it makes a speech more human.#


Only take their advice if you’re a regular person whose speech holds no weight!

If you are here…

I believe you are either a business owner or a career professional who has a reputation and brand to build.

And cares about their career advancement or business growth.

This is the truth.

Filler words are bad for professionals.


And know that, basically, fillers are the worst tools to sound human. 

There are tons of factors that can make a speech sound human…

like modulation, warmth, enthusiasm, facial expressions,… and many more.

So why use filler when Forbes said No?

If you’re leading in any organisation and you represent it in important ways (or you wish to)... then you need to be able to speak confidently without the use of filler words.

Because red flags (like “umm” and “ahhh”) are not taken lightly in professional settings.

That’s why If you are going to give your best to convince intellectual people to accept your ideas and offer… 

You must get rid of filler words.

And once you do…

Watch how you can convey your message at ease, with much fluency, and with greater confidence – in your business.

With this one simple change in how you speak, 

You will effectively persuade and inspire your clients, partners, stakeholders, or employees – to accept your point of view.

And in the long run, you can positively impact your company’s reputation, brand image, 

And drive greater success and growth for your business.

And it’s the same for you, 

If you are a career professional working in any sector, including those in the corporate world…

After getting rid of your “Ums” and “Ahs”, 

You can easily make lasting impressions on colleagues, clients, managers, and employers.

Especially during presentations, team meetings, interviews, and networking events…

Because now, you will be able to present your thoughts and ideas brilliantly and make excellent presentations.

And over time…

It will easily pave the way for your long-term career success and help you get better recognition in your field.

So how do you get rid of your habitual filler words in 7 days or less?

Let me show you the 100% Free solution that is guaranteed to get rid of the “ummms…” and “ahhhs”  forever.

Hi, my name is Oleander Yuba.

This brand new FREE mini-course…

“The Practical TedX Secret To Eliminate “Filler Words” Almost Instantly… And Change How People Perceive You”.

…is one of the most powerful secrets I have ever learnt.

In my experience as a UK-trained Elocutionist, and award-winning Diction and Public Speaking Coach…

Who has served on the panel of a Tedx Event…

I discovered that one of the biggest needle movers to improve communication and presentation skills – is getting rid of those annoying filler words.

The “Soooo….” and “Ummm???”

I’ve shared this practical TedX secret with a few of my private students…

And you will be amazed at how much difference it made after they got rid of their filler words.

They instantly went from seeming super shy and uncertain to sounding smart and competent.

So recently, I decided to expose this secret to my 15,000 followers on Instagram, and to entrepreneurs and career professionals who care about their diction and communication skills.

And if you are here, I only mean that you are serious about becoming an eloquent speaker.

That’s why I’m giving this New 24-minute practical mini-course to you. 100% free today.

To help you eliminate your dreaded filler words in 7 days or less.

In the course, you will discover:

Also get the chance to ask personal questions – and get help with your diction and public speaking skills. 

Here’s how you get the masterclass almost instantly.

Simply fill in your details and click on the (**coloured**) button below so that your course can be delivered to your inbox in seconds.

It’s short, practical, and straight to the point –  you can immediately take action and improve your speech fast… within a week.

So what are you waiting for?

Go ahead and get your Free Mini-course. 

Simply fill in your details, click the button below and it will be in your inbox in seconds.

See you there.

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